Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 3 - A village Pub

Oops! I missed day 3 - we were having a mini birthday celebration for my husband and friend Ashley. If you'd like to read about that or see the daily picture for that one check out our England blog - where I am also playing the 354 pictorial journal.

Here' is day 3 for my writing picture:
"Golden Boar Inn Bar & Restaurant"

This is a pub in a village a few miles from here. I was stuck at a traffic light due to road construction and finding the Ivy Roots spread along the outside of this pub intriguing. So I took a photo. Who knows if I'll ever write about it or not, but a lot of times when I am out driving along some where I see something that triggers my imagination. Street signs, Village names and signs, Churches, Pubs, fields, sun just depends on the day and where I'm going and every once in a while the imagination takes flight, I forget where I am going and end up missing my turn.



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