Tuesday, January 11, 2011

354 Pictorial Journal Project

     Okay, so I was catching up on some blog reading earlier today and stumbled upon Jen's blog and saw her 365 day project. I became inspired. I am a regular slacker when it comes to blogging and so after reading a few of her posts, I decided I would try it too. Yes, I'm late! But I didn't know about it till today...so mine is actually 354 days.

     Hopefully, it will serve as a reminder to me, because I as I looked back over 2010 to write my annual Christmas letter...I found I had no photos for February! Meaning I had no idea what we did in February! Almost like it didn't exsist...we skipped it.

     I've not really made a list of goals for 2011 yet, but I would really like to be more current with my blogging...so wish me luck in this adventure and if you are playing along too - let me know! Maybe we can remind one another!

     Day 1:
     Why this photo? Because today I sat down and blogged again. Yes, I blogged at Christmas, with promises of trying harder...so here we are 1-11-11 and I'm finally getting to it. Now, with this project to help keep me on task hopefully, I'll be more current.

     I am doing the pictorial journal project on our Life in England blog as well. The pictures there will be much different, as the pictures on this blog are stickly to be writing related. Why? To also keep me in check on my writing...let's see if it works!

     What are some things you are doing this year to keep you on task? Find anything that really works? Trying something new? Leave a comment and let me know how your new year is going! God bless.



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